20th post, lately quite busy with work, so too tired to post, but today i decided to post. This few week, have been a lot of happening first clara wedding.which is a happy occasion, and also my first witness to the marriage... too bad most of my friend prefer late marriage so i think in a few years time, i will be witnessing some more of the bonds.
2nd big event
The children camp, b4 the camp, i am down with flu, So my energy level is very low, and i will sulk mostly, so please forgive me for not smiling at you as my happy mojo have been reap away by the flu and the disability to makan my foood due to the ulcer, it kill me through for 5 day, so i decided to put salt, which works and i am able to eat again.
During children camp first day, tot that logistics after setting up the table, can sit one side and do nothing but me and ken are wrong. The next minute we are shuffle between FSC and church, at the end of the day, we are beat but are happy and joyous for we are serving the Lord. Then came the skit rehearsal, well my character suppose to be energetic one but battery low...so a bit out of what hope to achieve.
second day.
Less siong than first day, coz we noe what to do alr, the main event for the day is the west coast trip but due to the rain we have to change our destination to IMM. When we reach there, zheng wei and me were supposed to take care of the smaller kids, coz the game for the day involve going to giant, so we have to take care of them for a hour. Well, if u tot one hour is really short, u are so long, after we bring them to the playground, most of our time is chasing after the kids to make sure that they do not get outside the playground, at first i tot the boys will be the hyper active one and i am wrong again, the girls they are so hyper...that i lose track of them most of the time and retrack them again. Then something serious happen, well ken came up to the playground with a bag, ask me to look after, well for the first few 15 min, i still can look after it, but when the girls start running out of the playground premise, and i start chasing after them, then i totally forget abt the bag. Then doomday spell, when the bag is missing and ken and me start to panick but mostly is my fault.haiz what a day!!! Next time, this happen i will carry the bag along with me and chasing after the girls...a lesson to learn. Well after that, ken went serching but to no result. Juz pray that the kids parent will not have a bad impression on our church on losing their stuff.
Third day
Most of us are beat tired, and after the day we have service but praise to the Lord that most of us are able to stay awake for the sermon by pastor Ong. And after the service , is da zhu, lead by de zhang, about evanglism, talking to ppl about God and talking to God abt ppl. We discuss abt the article given by de zhang, and after that we pray for them, amidist the prayer, i pray for the prayer for these ppl that do not noe God and those under trial, that we pray in love even when we do not noe them. We muz remember that our prayer also muz express our love and concern for them not juz pray for them...which is very important as the Lord say that We muz love one another juz like the Lord love us...