Monday, November 06, 2006

tiring weekend


After work, run with my brother on the track, is time to beef up my brother, even through my brother still have two years to army...but train eariler is always better. After that, watch tv till i siao. but too tired to do other i juz drop dead on the bed.


Buy present for edna--take up almost whole up with the weiz 2 junwei, shop till we both drop, nv knew is so tiring. from wisma to far east to hereen...leg broke alr...but finally manage to settle down for something...(secret)hahahz.
so when we go to church, energy level almost zero. But manage to stay awake for the sermon...but the da zhu...i almost knock off senseless, chris lame tingy keep me awake, show him my wu zhi tian shu...which i also cannot read.hahahz...

went to supper with my cg member...danue, zhang wei and chang bin at bukit timah. On the way, too sleepy, so didnt talk muz, is time for my stoning alr, when we reach danue need to send his J&J so the trio went to shop & save and help ourselves to tibits. Then the eating saga began...shiok i started to get hungry alr...after the meal, we share our weekly happening. then we head on home

...well is a long long journey...when i reach home...wanted to sleep but my bro started playing my guitar...AHHHH...cannot sleep.which he stopped after 2 am...zzz


sleepy head in the if u see i put a frowning face u noe why...went to children camp mtg...we need to draw a catz on the our camp t-shirt, manage to draw out at the very last minute...look almost like the orginal but not so cute...AHHH!!! was looking at ken...the cool cat...danue...himself hahahz....zheng wei...big foot cat...wee liang...the outstanding one with signature....the contrast is so artistic....pastor ong was expecting an enstein cat from me...and why didnt i think of that...he sure is a big smartie...

After the mtg, we went for lunch at mac...with danue and song ping....i was starved to death...and over at mac...danue was going to have lesson with ji bin...after lunch head back home, finally my bed...i coming home for u hahahz...then after some knock-out senseless time...with my bed...go for dinner...finally chao guo tiao extra black...hhahahah...then went home...then watch tv till i drop...zzz

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