Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Phua chu Kang returns

it gonna be the last season...the tag line for this week...CC...two meaning sissy or Community center. The perception of different ppl will get differeent understanding or someone who listen to the conversion from the beginning. Another Tag line---I got something to talk u seriously!!! Ever think of what happen to u when u die(not dyeing)...but matin...shi...die...U go heaven or hell...a question ask by margret...and phua chu kang juz answer of coz i will go to heaven. Margret ask what good deed he do that make him so sure that he got a chance to go heaven...that he answer i donated 5 cent to the flag day...i sure go heaven...THAT make me think that this is usual tot of ppl that think our God juz count the number of good deed we do and at the end of the day dun need to believe in him and go heaven. But yet this is most of the mindset of most ppl...but yet in the bible, it is known that we can join our Father Lord in heaven is only by his grace...not by our deed. And the most important verses we all noe from (John 3:16, that is by believing Jesus) and by grace we are save not by our deed...But to the world...that is loss, then will be gain...but then again God is the creator...the world is created by him, so go and think about that...

Well, the next show after the sassy neighbour, forget the show name, but is about a person MIchael teoh who use to be ex-convict that kill a man because he wanted to be great but turn out to be a twist in his after that he being locked up and when he is in despair as he maybe will be on the gallow...for murdering, he find a bible right beside him. and after he read the bible, he become a changed man...taking thing in stride. But the Lord has different plan for him, as he is sentence to 8 years imprisonment and after that he become a cook and get marry. But he have a dream that is to save life to be a lifeguard...then suddenly a man came into his life, he ask him "Do you still want to be a lifeguard" and he pass the whistle to him. That is the identify of a life guard and ask him not to give up. He keep trying and finally he get his place to be a lifeguard...who used to take life but now save life...from this, we can see how God loves us and keep encouraging us even depraved and sin to bring us back to him...if we repent.

Very long blog rite...but the greatness and love of God is never ending...even i use up the whole universe words is not enuff to write and describe how great is our God !! Amen

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